Outdoor lighting is one of the most aesthetically pleasing improvements for a home. No outdoor area is complete without the addition of a lighting installation. Lighting can highlight planting schemes, pagodas, BBQ areas and decking installations.
There is one issue that can prove inconvenient for homeowners however and that is having to switch the installation on and off inside the property. This can also provide challenges for the electrician that is installing the lighting system. Wireless switching can provide the answer.
What is wireless switching?
Wireless switching is a system of turning the lighting on and off, well, wirelessly. A wireless switch requires no wires, no batteries, and no long-term maintenance. The wireless switch works by generating a wireless signal when pressed and sending that signal to a wireless receiver. The energy generated by pressing the switch is enough to send a signal to the power source and turn on the lights! Incredible.
WIRELESS SWITCHES FOR OUTDOOR ELECTRICS have multiple benefits for outdoor use:
• Switches installed anywhere
• Remote switching on the move
• No messy installation
• Easy replacement and maintenance
Switches installed anywhere
As wireless switches do not contain live connections and are also nearly always water-proof they are able to be installed almost anywhere. The range of the switch and wireless receiver need to be considered of course but we are able to install wireless switches in any outdoor or indoor location.
Remote switching on the move
The versatility does not end with just outdoor or indoor switching. With certain wireless switching systems we are able to give you a key fob for those dark winter nights. As you pull on to the driveway you can turn your lights on from the car and see your way inside safely.
There is the option to control the wireless switching from an app on your phone so you can turn on the garden outdoor lights (indoor lights and lamps too by the way) from any where in the world. This is great for home security whilst you are away on holiday. No need to rely on a timer, just turn the lights on whenever suits you from the comfort of the beach or hotel room.
No messy installation
As there is no need for a cable to the switch location, home décor need not be disturbed when installing these switching systems, there is no requirement to even mount the switch on a wall where space is at a premium (particularly useful in confined spaces).
Wireless outdoor switching can be installed easily and quickly without too much disruption and there is virtually no limit to how many switches, key fobs, or app users meaning that the whole family can have a fob on their keys or an app on their phone.
Easy replacement and maintenance
When wireless switches eventually fail (as everything does) they are straightforward to replace. There is no maintenance to worry about with wireless switches and we are able to install replacements quickly and easily for you.
If a wireless receiver should fail at any point, we can simply swap these out too.
Other applications
There are also other applications for wireless switching such as the ability to control a water feature in the garden, security lighting controls and much more! WIRELESS SWITCHES FOR OUTDOOR ELECTRICS are a great benefit to any home.
Wireless Switching Electrician in Warwick
Traditional hard-wired switching for outdoor lighting systems is becoming a thing of the past and the versatility of wireless switching is unmatched with other ways of controlling lights.
These days, nearly anything is possible with electrical installations and we are right at the cutting edge of technology, keeping up to date with all the latest industry developments to bring the very best to our customers.
If you need an Electrician in Warwick, then give us a call and let’s discuss your perfect outdoor wiring installation together.